Website Carbon Calculator by pTools

Calculating the Invisible: Uncover Your Website's Carbon Footprint

Looking at the increasing need of achieving sustainability in IT sector, pTools has come up with this website carbon calculator, encouraging our future and existing clients to measure the carbon emissions from their websites, mindfully approach their digital initiatives and ultimately contribute to the sustainable digital era.

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What is digital carbon footprint?

The concept of a digital carbon footprint encompasses the environmental impact of our digital activities, embracing greenhouse gas (CO2) emissions and energy usage linked to digital tools, networks, and services - the digital infrastructure we heavily rely on in contemporary society. In fact - contrary to common belief, the digital realm isn't carbon-neutral, as everything from asset tracking tags to smartphones and server infrastructures leaves its ecological mark!

The importance of the green web

The green web is crucial for mitigating the environmental impact of digital technologies, which are increasingly pervasive in modern life. By adopting sustainable practices such as using renewable energy sources and optimizing energy efficiency, the green web reduces carbon emissions and minimizes ecological harm. This not only preserves natural resources but also helps combat climate change, ensuring a healthier planet for current and future generations.

Explore the examples tested by our website calculator

Site Name Last Tested Date User IP Adress
{{ item.siteName }} {{ item.Date }} {{ item.UserIp }}
{{ label }}
The webpage achieves a carbon rating of {{ closestLabel }}
{{ carbonDetails.EmissionsPerVisit }}g of CO2 is produced every time someone visits this webpage
{{ greenWeb.url }} hosting environment is rated green No Evidence found for {{greenWeb.url}}

Non-fun facts about digital carbon footprint:

Our devices, internet and all supporting systems currently account for 3.7% of all greenhouse gas emissions, which are expected to double by 2025.
Enterprise technology emits around 340 million tons of greenhouse gases every year, representing approximately 1% of global output. It is equal to half the carbon footprint created by aviation, an industry that is under enormous pressure to reduce its environmental impact. (McKinsey report)
Each regular email equates to 4 grams of carbon emissions, and driving a car just over half a mile produces emissions equivalents close to sending 65 emails. If every adult in the UK sent one fewer email per day - 16,433 tons of carbon could be saved each year: the equivalent of buying 3,334 cars off-road.
Every internet search query emits circa 1.45 grams of CO2. If we use a search engine to do around 50 searches a day, that produces 26 kilograms of CO2 per year – that’s equivalent to driving about 100 miles in an average car (trust us - that’s a lot!)

According to European Commission, the world transitioning to technology with lower energy consumption has the potential to save as much of electricity as consumed annually by a country like Estonia, and cut emissions by 3 million tons of CO2 per year.

… Yes, the future of carbon footprint depends on you!

  • Bad news - we are not supermen, and we cannot save the world…
  • Good news - we can help you to decrease your digital carbon footprint right now!

How pTools is sustainable?

At pTools, we hold a strong belief that the success of a business extends beyond mere financial metrics. Our tagline, ‘Usability, Accessibility and Sustainability by Design,’ reflects our commitment to creating impactful web-solutions that not only meet the needs of today but also pave the way for a better tomorrow. It encompasses our ability to positively impact and contribute to our community, empower those involved with us, and create meaningful change in the world.
